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About This Site

This site is intended to address what we consider is a very simple solution to the enormous problem in humanity and human affairs. We say that the solution is simple because the solution relates back to the condition of humanity when The Creator first Created humanity and the human soul. Though the solution is simple, the work needed to achieve the solution requires serious work. The level of difficulty is inversely related to the commitment to achieve the goal… as in all striving, the more committed, the easier the path to achieve the goal, and vice versa. In all cases, it is incumbent on each individual to pursue the goal with the highest zeal: the very life (present and especially future) of each individual is tied to the success or failure of the work performed to achieve the solution.

The name of this site is ‘From One Soul’. That is because all humanity was created from the one model, soul, nature that The Creator intended for the human being to establish human life and human affairs by. In the Bible, that nature was referred to as Adam. In the Qur’an, that nature is also referred to as Adam. The original nature of Adam was a pure and innocent soul…. innocent in that it knew no evil, and it intended no wrong or evildoing… and that it was devoted to the sincere and true obedience to, and consciousness of, The Creator. The original nature was that which The Creator ‘breathed’ into Adam from His Own Spirit. This means that The Creator created the soul of mankind with the same Attributes that are of The Creator, Himself. The Bible says He Created man in his likeness. This does NOT mean that man is a ‘god’ (nothing can be a true Sovereign, Owner of Creation, except the One GOD)… It means that man and woman have the pure attributes ‘reflective’ of those that The Creator has. We all know (because GOD instilled it in our soul) that The Creator is The Only Reality, The Pure, The Best in all Good, The Knower of All Things in the Whole of Creation. Mankind (or anything else) cannot possibly be that; the soul of mankind was created to emulate the attributes of The Creator so that mankind can endeavor to move to the highest life and the best life for the collective community of all humanity. We can either achieve high eminence or we can relegate ourselves and our communities to the lowest of the low. Each individual’s very life is a reflection of the choice that it makes, and the purpose of the soul is to document all of the individual’s actions, thoughts, etc., and present them as a witness on the Day of Judgment.