Before we start on discussing the soul, we must first point out that in order to even believe that the soul exist, you must believe in the spiritual aspect of life. This means that you must believe in that that cannot be seen through the physical perception. This should not be a stretch because we believe in many physical phenomena that cannot be seen, such as air, gravity, cold weather, etc. The proof in the unseen is based primarily on belief, however it is founded on insight, as well. To some people, if it cannot be seen, it does not exist. To those who think this way, they will eventually learn that that thought process has a very detrimental end. To understand the unseen in your own life experience, think about sleeping. When you sleep, you are conscious of living in your spiritual state, however, not in your physical state directly. While sleeping you are not conscious of the ‘seen’/physical world, because your spiritual existence is at the helm. So, whether you believe it or not, your life is depends on it.
What is the Soul?
What is the soul? The soul is the very essence of the human being. The soul is part of the unseen, hidden creation that exists but is imperceptible by the human senses. The soul is the life force in each and every human being. It is the basis of the individual, and it is part of the collective of all human souls, in that the ‘soul’ of humanity is as ONE SOUL (reference Al-Qur’an 4:1, 6:98, 10:19, 39:6, 49:13).
GOD (The Creator) Created an essence that He puts in every human being before their physical birth. The essence He created is from one soul, the original soul, that is a template or model, if you will, of the nature of a human. This model soul is neither male nor female, as ‘male’ and ‘female’ are physical expressions on the soul of the person that determine the function of the soul in that person’s life on earth.
The Soul is the main component in the constitution of the human being. The soul was created before its implementation into the human being’s existence. Every human being is, was, and will be created with a soul that has the same constitution as every other soul in every human being. The soul was created to be the subliminal consciousness (subconscious) of the human being. Its purpose is to manage the life subconsciously, directing the human being to the best and right direction, thus giving the human being the foundation to moving the life in the proper direction as instilled in the soul by The Creator. The soul ‘sends’ directions and guidance to the mind of the human…. it is up to the mental consciousness of the human being to accept the direction/guidance from the soul or reject it, thus making the personal judgment (and responsibility of that judgment) as to right or wrong.
GOD (The Creator) made the soul and fashioned it with some attributes that are reflective, but not equal, to His Own. The Creator has nothing in His creation that is comparable, equal, or any semblance of Himself. Examples: 1.) GOD is Most Compassionate, so He placed compassion onto the human soul, 2.) GOD is Most Generous, so He placed generosity onto the human soul, along with many (but not all) of His Own attributes. This is what is meant by “GOD made man in His own image” in the Bible… (although the word ‘image’ is a REALLY BAD interpretation of the correct revelation. “Image” gives the concept of a physical picture or representation; GOD cannot be represented in Creation). GOD is the Maker, Designer, Originator, Developer, Owner, and Fashioner of Creation. He is High above creation and can never be part of His Creation, and His Dominion and Rule is over ALL Creation! Creation cannot express Him or contain Him; Creation can only express and represent His Works.
GOD (The Creator) formed the soul in perfect balance and in purity, of natural abilities and high moral values…. fully able to distinguish between right and wrong. This is the essence of the soul. So, humanity could not have been created in sin, because GOD (The Creator) formed the human nature and soul. GOD (The Creator) is Perfect, the Highest and Supreme in Purity, Truth, Excellence in every Good, etc. How can The Creator, Who is Supreme in Purity and Goodness, intend to create a human whose essence is sinful and corrupt? It cannot be!!! So, man is not sinful in hist original nature. To believe that he is, is to attribute a grave lie to the Creator!!!
How can The Creator, Who is Supreme in Purity and Goodness, intend to create a human whose essence is sinful and corrupt? It cannot be!!! So, man is not sinful in his original nature. To believe that he is, is to attribute a grave lie to the Creator, meaning to denigrate the Creator Himself!!!
The soul of the human operates to guide the human to the best of life. When a human being moves to towards an action, the soul’s function is to guide the person to the right and best outcome… one that is based in truth and justice, and operates for the benefit of all things affected. If you don’t believe this, ponder and reflect on any past occasion where you were contemplating doing something you knew was wrong or hurtful. Your inner ‘voice’ told you not to do it. The first time the inner ‘voice’ spoke to you, it was quite noticeable within yourself. But, as you neglected to heed the good advice of your soul’s inner ‘voice’, that ‘voice’ became less and less noticeable and more and more faint and weak. That is how corruption and the increased ability to do wrong grows within the person intent on doing wrong. The very voice that is trying to save you is being extinguished, thus bringing about the failure and demise of the person. However, the human is responsible for maintaining the purity of the soul by living in accord with the purpose that GOD (The Creator) made the he or she for. So, if the human follows the natural guidance that is instilled in the soul, the human can attain high levels of excellence. On the other hand, if the human seeks paths diverse from the excellent nature of the soul, the human will corrupt the soul and cause its demise and failure in life. This is the nature of the soul of the human being.
The Creator intended that the human being strive to keep the soul in a state of correctness and purity. As mankind deviates from the moral compass of the individual and collective souls, The Creator’s ‘intent’ to keep mankind focusing on the right direction (thus maintaining the proper condition of the soul) and the purpose of mankind’s life is the reason that Revelation was sent from The Creator to mankind through prophets and messengers… and even inspiration to GOD-conscious people.
The soul, once GOD has created it, does not die. It will maintain a “record” of all of the life’s activities, deeds, thoughts, intentions, etc. incurred by the human during the life here in this physical realm. therefore, all deeds, actions, inactions, thoughts, motives, etc. will be brought before the person when the person is brought up in the afterlife.