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Grave Errors People Make

We will start this Post with a declarative statement. This statement is the main theme throughout this site. It is also the very essence and foundation of all existence, seen and unseen, visible and invisible. This fact stands alone… it does not require justification or dissertation.

The Creator is the Owner… He who fabricated ALL existence, All Creation from NOTHING!!! Everything belongs to The Creator, the One and ONLY GOD… from the infinitesimally small to unimaginably great. Nothing existed beside Him before Creation, and nothing will exist except Him after Creation. He Created the Natural Order according to Truth throughout Creation. The design, the functionality, the purity… is all by His Will and His Command. He is the One that provides all life to all Worlds., and to Him all things must return in the time that He decrees for them. All things willingly or unwillingly submit their existence to The Creator. He has no partners, no equals, nothing is comparable to The Creator of all Worlds.

The title mentions Grave Errors. The intent is to discuss actions and thoughts that are harmful whether by mistake or by intent. Of course, actions and thoughts that are intentional carry much more of a burden on the soul and life of a person than a mistake. Example: if you are driving a car and you hit a person because you were focusing on something else while driving, that is a punishable offense, however it lacked intent. The punishment, penalty, or repercussion will likely be lessened (if at all existent) because the act lacked intent. On the other hand, if you are driving and saw a person and sped up to hit that person, the element of intent is manifest and the punishment is much more severe and warranted.

We will not address the punishment for the errors/sins directly; these punishments are based on the decision of The Creator, Himself, in this life, or in the next life, or in both existences. This discourse is to point out the various subjects that people engage their lives in that are detrimental to themselves and others, and thus are violations against life and the soul of self and others, and the harmful impact to the community of mankind as a whole.

Denying and Denouncing The Creator

The worst oppression is for people to have false authorities over themselves.
– Imam W.D. Mohammed

Your Authority is that which you devote your heart, mind, and interest to…. that which you engage your life to. If that authority is NOT The Creator (GOD), that authority is FALSE! That false authority becomes your god, which distorts your existence. That false authority destroys your humanity, your essence for what GOD Created you for.

The worst possible error is to deny The Creator. Nothing is more perverse than to say that ‘there is no GOD’. The fact that creation exists is complete evidence that there is a Creator. One who makes the statement that there is no Creator either lacks the mental capacity to understand fundamental concepts and perception or denies the Existence of The Creator for a purpose. That purpose may be lack of intrinsic thought, inability to discern natural concepts and reality, rejection of reality out of anger, rebellion, frustration, disappointment, etc., or intentional disruption of natural order and reality.

Influence and impression can alter some persons’ perception of what reality is presenting to them. Lack of understanding or acceptance of false information can alter one’s perception of reality. Selfish motives and desires can cause one to construct a different concept of reality so as to justify one’s desires, appetites, and directions. This is a common theme of those who reject The Creator and the Order placed in Creation. Those who work to conceive a different order than the Natural Order instilled in creation by The Sole Creator are determined to build an order that suits their fantasies, desires, and purposes. The foundation of their mode of operation is to design life according to a pattern that would benefit them to the exclusion of everything else.

An example of this mentality is a political aspirant made the allusion to ‘order out of chaos’. The Creation is based in Order. Even that that looks like chaos in Creation is actually order when it is viewed properly by those with insight. However, to institute chaos into an Order that one does not have the proper insight is specifically done for a selfish purpose… with condescension and disregard of the Natural Order that was created under the Plan of The Creator! Their purpose is to cause disruption of the fundamental human processes (social cohesion, education, economics and administration that is designed by GOD’s Plan to operate for the benefit of all of Creation, thus causing a new order to come in and function under a plan that would give rule to a few and subjugate the masses).

Promoting Lies and Untruths about The Creator

The largest dissemination of lies that is obvious in the world is the promulgation of images, ANY IMAGES, of The Creator (GOD). This is an ancient practice that has been carried down through the ages and is especially present even in these supposed enlightened current days. The Magnificent and Supreme Creator has always been diminished to some physical representation, which is a most egregious form of attack against The Creator.

Creating Associates and Partners with The Creator

Murder, Unwarranted Taking of Life

Adultery and Fornication


Promoting Lies Knowingly as if They are True

Fomenting Disunity Among People

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