The Creator Designed the Human Life
With the Name of The Creator, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer. The natural, clean soul of the human being testifies and witnesses that The Creator (Alone) is the Owner and Master over every aspect of Creation… ALL of it! Everything that The Creator has brought into existence which we think is reality, seen and unseen,) has been Created in Truth and has divine purpose.
Human life was and is designed, structured, developed, and brought into existence by The Creator, (who westerners, and subsequently other has adopted the word, GOD). The Creator made the Soul of humans their essence… EVERY human being has an essence, an unseen essence, which is their Soul. This human creation is exceptionally precious. It is so precious that The Creator revealed this in Scripture.
… It is ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person – unless it be for murder or the spreading of mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew a whole people. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of a whole people.
This verse is from The Holy Qur’an Surah Ma’idah (5:32). This very powerful ayat (verse) expresses the high importance and significance of Allah’s (GOD’s) human Creation and human life. Each and every individual life is a very complex creation that GOD placed here for a specific purpose, and collectively for the purpose of a unified humanity. The Creator is Supreme in all attributes; nothing that He Creates is for anything but a Divine Purpose. To think and believe that The Creator brings any of His Creation into existence for a trivial activity is to ascribe a GREAT LIE to Him.
ALLAH (GOD), The Creator, Almighty, Supreme in Wisdom, Created the human being with a physical presence in the Earth. However, the REAL human life is the Soul that was created as the essence, the very nature and reality of the human being. No human can physically ‘see’ the soul. It is part of the unseen world that GOD Created. The purpose of the soul is first to guide the human life in this world. GOD made the soul pure and with a guidance towards the GOOD that GOD made the Creation for.
The verse above defines the sanctity of life. We do not know everything about life, however what we do know is that life is a great phenomenon! Life is significant beyond our appreciation. To really appreciate life, you must truly have the highest respect and belief in The Almighty Creator. You must ponder the order and magnitude of creation. You must ponder the purpose of creation. You must see how The Creator intended for the creation (all of it) to be of service and use to the human as The Creator intended… not for anyone’s selfish desires.
Does anyone really think and believe that The Creator made this infinite Universe just so that anyone can abuse and misuse the Creation just for their whims and desires? Does anything in the Creation display any hint of disorganization and disunity? Creation functions as a unit. All it takes is for you to use introspection and extrospection to understand how everything in Creation works together. Humanity was created to be the caretakers and proper users of the Creation to make advancements for all of humanity and the rest of Creation. Creation is not a playground: it is an environment that nurtures and inspires maximum benefits of all that is presented in it. This is the way that GOD made it. His Purpose is Divine and Benevolent for the entirety of Creation.
Why is this important?
Everything that was created and is being created by GOD has purpose and function that, by the nature of the thing, makes it function to benefit the whole. If you look at your skin, as an example, you will see a whole community of cells that operate as a unit. If you cut your skin, the skin works to bring the separated cells back together to continue their functionality and purpose. The outer skin works with other communities of cells (such as muscles, tissues, nerves, etc.) to service the physical being. GOD revealed in Scripture:
GOD disdains not to use the similitude of things lowest as well as highest. Those who believe know that it is truth from their Lord; but those who reject Faith say: “What means GOD by this similitude?” By it He causes many to stray and many He leads into the right path, but He causes not to stray except those who forsake (the path).
The verse means that there is unity all through Creation. Everything in the physical creation is based on patterns that are often common throughout every existing thing. All of creation are made of atoms and atomic sub-particles and energies, as an example. From the relatively small set of atoms that compose living matter, countless species of life has been created. From the basic known 118 different atomic structure, the whole Universe and its infinite permutations of structures, bodies, etc. exist.
In an article written by a person known as Philologos, the ‘origin’ of this ayat (verse) in the Qur’an was discussed at some length. The article was very much mostly on point which Philologos came to some very insightful and accurate conclusions. The link to this article can be accessed from the article I am referencing as textual foundations from the original Mishnah manuscripts.
I want to comment here that the article mentioned statements that seem to indicate that prophets ‘borrowed’ revelational verses from other previous prophets. This perception of prophetic activity and relationships greatly undermine the character and purpose of the prophets. Think about this very seriously. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE CREATOR SELECTED INDIVIDUALS THAT ENGAGED IN PETTY SELFISH ENDEAVORS SUCH AS CLAIMING OWNERSHIP OF TRUTHFUL REVELATION, YOU HAVE REALLY COMMITTED YOURSELF TO GREAT SIN AND FALSE TESTIMONY OF THE BEAUTIFUL MANINIFICENCE AND DOMINION OF THE CREATOR OF ALL EXISTENCE, SEEN AND UNSEEN BY US!