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The Creator made all humanity from one essence,
from one original design and plan, from one nature...


The Most Glorious, Most Beautiful, All-Perfect, All-Powerful Creator, Originator, and Designer of all of Creation, has created the Magnificent Creation – the Universe (physical, spiritual, and every other aspect) and all that is in it. This Creation is based on a Universal Pattern designed and originated by The Creator, Himself. The apparently infinite Universe and all that is in it is based on One Unified Pattern, and all of the worlds in the Universe are based on the unified pattern that has as its foundation, form and function. This Universe of Creation was designed to be of full service to the human creation that The Creator established on Earth… as long as that human creation lives in accord with the best mold that it was created in… which is the original Soul made by The Creator. When the Creator designed the human soul, the soul was based on a unified pattern, made with proportion, balance, and order as is His Entire Creation. The soul is beautiful because it is endowed with attributes that are reflective and subjective of the attributes from the very Creator, Himself. Each and every soul is created (as in replicated or regenerated) from this one spiritual life/origin model. Therefore, each and every human being (past, present, and future) is endowed with the same foundational soul. The Glorious Creator made the soul excellent and pure in its nature, beautiful in its capacity to do good, resistant of the capacity to do wrong and evil, strong in its devotion, consciousness, and devotion to its Creator, and strong in its capacity to help support moral values, as well as all Creation, one and all. The basis of the soul that the Glorious Creator made is of the reflection of Paradise, itself.

To return to that Paradise, the soul must return to the original human/moral values. The soul must restore itself to selflessness, caring for other all humans and the rest of Creation, exercise responsibility and proper use of the great intellect that is part of the human spirit and soul, and constant consciousness of The Creator as the Sole Source of all Life and Creation. This site is dedicated to the simple solution of restoring the individual and collective soul to its original spirit and function. The foundation of the concepts of restoral presented here are very simplistic… the work effort to achieve its success is the responsibility of each individual soul. This site attempts to provide thought-provoking, and action-provoking concepts for working to restore the soul… seeking the Help of the Creator, Himself.

Humanity is One Family!!!

Humankind Is One Community!!!

The information provided here is from reading and extracting knowledge from Scripture, and from various scholarly sources. This site is, and will always be, a site under constant and continuous updating.

More regarding this information is forthcoming shortly.

Meaning The Creator is the only One having Dominion.
The consciousness and fear of The Only GOD is the beginning of wisdom.
Essential to True belief is the knowledge that only ONE CREATOR exists eternally.
Here are a few Passages from Scripture that supports Unity of the CREATOR.

There is No Deity, No Supreme One, except the One Creator/Owner of all that exists... who many call God!!!

There is nothing deserving of your worship except The Owner, The Creator of all that exists!!!

Here are passages from the Torah, the Bible, and The Qur'an regarding this Truth.

Sherot 20:1-7

And God spoke these words: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

Mark 12:29-34

One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”. “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these”. “Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And from then on, no one dared ask him any more questions.

Al-Ikhlas 112 :1-2

Say: “He is The Creator, The Only GOD, The One with Sole Dominion, Majesty, and Power. GOD, the One Who all of the creation depends upon for their needs and their requests, and the One Who depends on nothing or have need for anything, the One Who is Self-Subsisting, The Eternal, Absolute. Never did He give birth or bear offspring, and Never was He born. And Never was there, is there, or can there be, anything of likeness, superiority, equality, similarity, or comparability to Him”.

About this site

'From One Soul' - The Unity Inherent in All Humanity from The Creator/Owner of all that Exists

Humanity is from one essence, one nature. We are one body. The Creator Designed us this way so that we can achieve our purpose as a single entity.

The foundation of all physical life as we know it is that life is composed of six atoms/elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur. This fact unifies all of physical life in Creation (as far as we know). This fact alone is proof that The Creator (GOD in the English language) established physical life under a specific unifying pattern. In that regard, all humans have foundational physical natures… in form and function. We all have the same physical capacity — more or less — but all the same, phenomenally similar.

Additionally, under the shroud of their physical existence, all humans have a spiritual nature and an aspect referred to as the ‘soul’. As mentioned in the introduction, the soul was created with high standards, high morals, and strong capacity to work with The Creation as ordained by The Creator. The soul is the essence of the human being. It was given to the human in pure form. It is the responsibility of the human to strive to maintain that purity (so that its production is clean, beneficial, and pure). If the human exposes it to corruption, he/she is obligated to purify it… otherwise introduce it to rot, resulting in the destruction of the person!

Please see the article The Soul for further discussion and explanation.

Click the button below to read more About This Site.


The Creator made humanity with differences so that we can learn from one another, not so that we can despise one another.

notable topics

Evil incites Fear, loss, disunity

Evil is a type and a mindset of those who seek domination over others, of the world’s resources, etc. This mindset has been referred to by numerous names, the most common is the serpent (in Genesis), satan, 666, the beast, etc. This type seeks to mislead humanity from the pure and natural state of being that The Creator formed humanity from, into a form that gives their lives to servitude of material interests, selfish interests, etc . Revelations 13:18 in the Bible refers to the 666 as the number of a man. ‘Man’ in Scripture references ‘mind’… mindset, ways of thinking. So, don’t look for a particular person; look for a behavior, a way of acting, and actions to identify the evil. You should look at the ‘self’ first to identify this behavior, because that is what The Creator is trying to get you to conquer… those tendencies in yourself to dominate, to serve the self, to think you have the power and control of GOD’s Creation, to do harm, to distort Reality, to reject the Pure Truth from The Creator.

what is sin?

Whatever act, or deed or plan that is harmful to the physical being, the mental/intellectual being, or the spiritual being (intentionally or unintentionally, but especially intentionally), is a sin. Anything that violates the NATURAL ORDER that THE CREATOR has Established and Patterned for His Creation is a SIN! The sin can be towards one’s self, it can be towards another being, it can be towards property, earth, land, water, air, etc. If it is an act that results in some form of harm , corruption, or perversion, it is a sin. And sins are debts against the soul that must be addressed, definitely rectified for the correction of the soul and being. It must be concluded that sin on the soul left uncorrected and unrectified produces a burden of corruption and distance from the purpose and goal of life.


Scripture contains words revealed by The Creator to human beings that have sincere and devoted souls. The purpose of scripture is for guidance, instruction, knowledge, and wisdom for all humanity. This guidance and knowledge in the form of words points to the larger Creation, which contains an enormous body of knowledge and the wisdom and utility of that body of knowledge. The scripture points to the vast resources of abstract knowledge that can be obtained from the physical, intellectual, and spiritual study of the creation that is being pointed to. GOD’s Scripture reveals the purpose of life, the “user’s manual” for how to live the true life, how to move through the various phases of life to achieve the highest utility and goal, how to achieve your highest capabilities in the physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of the human being and the human community.

More information will be presented in the coming days.

More information will be presented in the coming days.

More information will be presented in the coming days.